Vision, Mission & Values
Vision: To increase smallholder farmer income by strengthening our digital extension approach and developing complementary solutions.
Mission: To empower smallholder farmers to lift themselves out of poverty by harnessing the power of technology andgrassroots level partnerships.

We value our staff members as much as we value our mission to serve the rural farming families. We believe that to achieve our mission we must challenge ourselves and the status quo. Our values reflect our commitment to our mission and our team.Digital Green’s organizational priorities are rooted strongly in these values.


We share the good and the bad, and we believe that access to information enables progress for ourselves, our partners and peers, and the farmers we serve.
  • Internally, we embrace radical candor and recognize that an open exchange of ideas is essential to innovation and being nimble. While we recognize that noteverything can be shared internally (and respect confidentiality), we strive to be as open as we can.
  • Externally, we share our data and learnings to support progress and dialogue in our field.



To achieve our goal of alleviating poverty, we need crazy ideas and we need to take risks—and, it’s OK if we fail sometimes.

  • Internally, we encourage (and reward) bold, creative thinking. We own our failures and see them as opportunities to learn and improve. We’re not afraid to change course if things don’t work out the first time. And, we push forward even if we don’t have everything figured out.
  • Externally, we’re not afraid to set audacious goals. Holding ourselves accountable to them can only make us better.We strive to share our failures and lessons learned so that our field can advance to better serve smallholder farmers.



We have each other’s backs.

  • Internally, we support and celebrate each other through thehighs and lowsin our lives inside and outside of the office. We’re eager to lend a helping hand because when we work as a team, we’re more successful than the sum of our parts.
  • Externally, building empathy is critical to what we do: we co-create solutions with and for farming communities.

Always Learning.

always learning

We have more questions than answers

  • Internally, we actively seek, offer, and incorporate feedback into our work and our thinking. Even when we’re busy “doing”, we make time to reflect, analyze, and keep asking “why?”. We ask questions with humility, curiosity, and a desire to continually improve—and we view failure as an opportunity to learn.
  • Externally, we seek opportunities to share our learnings (including failures), analyses, and questions with our partners and peers—and learn from them, too. We celebrate progress AND believe we can always do better.


Our hero—the smallholder farmer—is at the center of everything we do and how we do it

  • Internally, we hold ourselves accountable to the farmers we serve. Our success is determined by their success. Since we can’t do everything, we prioritize with farmer outcomes (or impact on farmers) in mind.
  • Externally, we strive to be the most smallholder farmer centric organization and a catalyst in our field.We aim to elevate the importance of smallholder farmers for governments,NGOs, and value chain actors to keep them at the forefront of decision-making.