Empowering Farming Families
1.3 Billion +  Population Of India
70 Percent Live in Rural areas

Improving agricultural prosperity can improve the lives of millions of farmers and their families. We empower smallholder farmers to lift themselves out of poverty by hanessing the power of technology and grassroots-level partnerships

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Million Farming Families

Together with our grassroots partners, we create digital solutions for rural communities.

How do we know what’s appropriate? Simple

We listen closely – to people, and to data. Then we build technology that’s of the community and for the community.


Tribune logo

Tribune News Service

Various successful IT-enabled initiatives for agri marketing such as Loop by Digital Green, Agribolo and ITC e-Choupal were also discussed.

Roddenberry Foundation

Roddenberry Foundation

With food supply disrupted by the pandemic, Digital Green has supported farming communities by connecting farmers to buyers via a digital...

Inter Press Services

Inter Press Services

Digital Green, an organisation that trains Indian farmers in sustainable practices is developing a voice-enabled WhatsApp chatbot.


Join forces with us to bring the power of digital solutions to rural farming communities!

With an in-house engineering team and project implementation staff trained in human-centred design and social behaviour change communication, we’re always challenging ourselves to create and deliver practical digital solutions to rural farming communities.